#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct worker_meta { long long update_interval; bool stop; int scroll_length; int scroll_index; char* label; }; bool is_utf8(const char * string) { if (!string) return false; const unsigned char * bytes = (const unsigned char *)string; while (*bytes) { if( (// ASCII // use bytes[0] <= 0x7F to allow ASCII control characters bytes[0] == 0x09 || bytes[0] == 0x0A || bytes[0] == 0x0D || (0x20 <= bytes[0] && bytes[0] <= 0x7E) ) ) { bytes += 1; continue; } if( (// non-overlong 2-byte (0xC2 <= bytes[0] && bytes[0] <= 0xDF) && (0x80 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0xBF) ) ) { bytes += 2; continue; } if( (// excluding overlongs bytes[0] == 0xE0 && (0xA0 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) ) || (// straight 3-byte ((0xE1 <= bytes[0] && bytes[0] <= 0xEC) || bytes[0] == 0xEE || bytes[0] == 0xEF) && (0x80 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) ) || (// excluding surrogates bytes[0] == 0xED && (0x80 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0x9F) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) ) ) { bytes += 3; continue; } if( (// planes 1-3 bytes[0] == 0xF0 && (0x90 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[3] && bytes[3] <= 0xBF) ) || (// planes 4-15 (0xF1 <= bytes[0] && bytes[0] <= 0xF3) && (0x80 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[3] && bytes[3] <= 0xBF) ) || (// plane 16 bytes[0] == 0xF4 && (0x80 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0x8F) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[3] && bytes[3] <= 0xBF) ) ) { bytes += 4; continue; } return false; } return true; } static long long current_timestamp() { struct timeval te; gettimeofday(&te, NULL); return te.tv_sec*1000LL + te.tv_usec/1000; } static void scroll_text(char *text_to_scroll, int text_len, char *buffer, int *index, const int max_length) { char last_utf8[5] = { '\0' }; do { if (*index - text_len > 0) { *index %= text_len; } const int overflow = text_len - *index - max_length; if (overflow <= 0) { memcpy(buffer, &text_to_scroll[*index], text_len-*index); memcpy(&buffer[text_len-*index], text_to_scroll, max_length-(text_len-*index)); } else { memcpy(buffer, &text_to_scroll[*index], max_length); } strcat(last_utf8, &buffer[max_length-1]); if (is_utf8(last_utf8)) { break; } *index += 1; } while(true); buffer[max_length] = '\0'; char utf8[5] = { '\0' }; int i = 0; do { memcpy(utf8, &text_to_scroll[*index], ++i); } while (!is_utf8(utf8)); if (strlen(utf8) > 1) { *index += strlen(utf8)-1; } } static int handle_error(struct mpd_connection *c) { assert(mpd_connection_get_error(c) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(c)); mpd_connection_free(c); return EXIT_FAILURE; } static void get_tag(struct mpd_song *song, char *tag, enum mpd_tag_type type) { const char *value; unsigned i = 0; while ((value = mpd_song_get_tag(song, type, i++)) != NULL) { strcpy(tag, value); break; } } static int print_status(struct mpd_connection *conn, struct worker_meta *meta) { struct mpd_status *status; struct mpd_song *song; mpd_command_list_begin(conn, true); mpd_send_status(conn); mpd_send_current_song(conn); mpd_command_list_end(conn); status = mpd_recv_status(conn); if (status == NULL) return handle_error(conn); const enum mpd_state state = mpd_status_get_state(status); if (state == MPD_STATE_STOP || state == MPD_STATE_UNKNOWN) { // Early exit printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; } const bool repeat = mpd_status_get_repeat(status); const bool random = mpd_status_get_random(status); const unsigned queue_pos = mpd_status_get_song_pos(status); const unsigned queue_length = mpd_status_get_queue_length(status); const unsigned elapsed = mpd_status_get_elapsed_time(status); const unsigned remaining = mpd_status_get_total_time(status) - elapsed; const unsigned remaining_mins = remaining / 60; const unsigned remaining_secs = remaining % 60; mpd_status_free(status); if (mpd_connection_get_error(conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) return handle_error(conn); mpd_response_next(conn); char artist[256]; char album[256]; char title[256]; while ((song = mpd_recv_song(conn)) != NULL) { get_tag(song, artist, MPD_TAG_ARTIST); get_tag(song, album, MPD_TAG_ALBUM); get_tag(song, title, MPD_TAG_TITLE); mpd_song_free(song); } if (mpd_connection_get_error(conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS || !mpd_response_finish(conn)) return handle_error(conn); char *play_icon; if (state == MPD_STATE_PLAY) { play_icon = ""; } else if (state == MPD_STATE_PAUSE) { play_icon = ""; } else { play_icon = ""; } char state_icon[16]; strcpy(state_icon, ""); if (repeat) strcat(state_icon, " "); if (random) strcat(state_icon, " "); // the full song label. would be cool if this was customizable at runtime char full_label[strlen(artist) + strlen(title) + 4]; sprintf(full_label, "%s - %s", artist, title); // compare current label against previous update's label if (strcmp(meta->label, full_label) != 0) { // The song changed, reset scroll and update meta meta->scroll_index = 0; strcpy(meta->label, full_label); } // The label we'll actually print char label[meta->scroll_length+1]; if (strlen(full_label) > meta->scroll_length) { // If length of full label > meta->scroll_length, we'll scroll it // Pad the text with a separator char padded_text[strlen(full_label) + 3]; sprintf(padded_text, "%s | ", full_label); scroll_text(padded_text, strlen(padded_text), label, &meta->scroll_index, meta->scroll_length); } else { // Else we'll just print it out normally and reset the scroll index meta->scroll_index = 0; sprintf(label, "%s - %s", artist, title); } printf("%s%s %s (-%u:%02u) [%u/%u]\n", play_icon, state_icon, label, remaining_mins, remaining_secs, queue_pos+1, queue_length); fflush(stdout); return 0; } void* status_loop(void* worker_meta) { struct worker_meta *meta = (struct worker_meta*)worker_meta; struct mpd_connection *conn = mpd_connection_new(NULL, 0, 0); for (;;) { if (meta->stop) { break; } long long start = current_timestamp(); print_status(conn, meta); meta->scroll_index++; usleep((meta->update_interval - (current_timestamp() - start)) * 1000); } mpd_connection_free(conn); return NULL; } int main(void) { struct worker_meta meta = {950, false, 30, 0, malloc(1024)}; pthread_t update_thread; if(pthread_create(&update_thread, NULL, status_loop, &meta)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating thread\n"); return 1; } for (;;) { char *line; size_t size; if (getline(&line, &size, stdin) != -1) { struct mpd_connection *conn = mpd_connection_new(NULL, 0, 0); if (strcmp(line, "1\n") == 0) { mpd_run_previous(conn); } else if (strcmp(line, "2\n") == 0) { mpd_run_toggle_pause(conn); } else if (strcmp(line, "3\n") == 0) { mpd_run_next(conn); } else if (strcmp(line, "4\n") == 0) { mpd_run_seek_current(conn, 3, true); } else if (strcmp(line, "5\n") == 0) { mpd_run_seek_current(conn, -3, true); } else { // ignore unrecognized input continue; } print_status(conn, &meta); mpd_connection_free(conn); } } if(pthread_join(update_thread, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error joining thread\n"); return 2; } return 0; }