Matt Low 38fed741af Fixed regression from 3536438d
We were sending an empty string to the output channel when `ping`
messages were received from Anthropic's API. This was causing the TUI
to break since we were doing an empty chunk check (and mistakenly not
waiting for future chunks if one was received).

This commit makes it so we no longer an empty string on the ping
message from Anthropic, and, we update the handling of
msgAssistantChunk and msgAssistantReply to make it less likely that we
forget to wait for the next chunk/reply.
2024-05-30 18:55:24 +00:00

1092 lines
27 KiB

package chat
import (
cmdutil "git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli/pkg/cmd/util"
models "git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli/pkg/lmcli/model"
tuiutil "git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli/pkg/tui/util"
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
type focusState int
const (
focusInput focusState = iota
type editorTarget int
const (
input editorTarget = iota
// custom tea.Msg types
type (
// sent on each chunk received from LLM
msgResponseChunk string
// sent when response is finished being received
msgResponseEnd string
// a special case of common.MsgError that stops the response waiting animation
msgResponseError error
// sent on each completed reply
msgAssistantReply models.Message
// sent when a conversation is (re)loaded
msgConversationLoaded *models.Conversation
// sent when a new conversation title is set
msgConversationTitleChanged string
// sent when a conversation's messages are laoded
msgMessagesLoaded []models.Message
type Model struct {
// app state
conversation *models.Conversation
rootMessages []models.Message
messages []models.Message
selectedMessage int
waitingForReply bool
editorTarget editorTarget
stopSignal chan struct{}
replyChan chan models.Message
replyChunkChan chan string
persistence bool // whether we will save new messages in the conversation
// ui state
focus focusState
wrap bool // whether message content is wrapped to viewport width
status string // a general status message
showToolResults bool // whether tool calls and results are shown
messageCache []string // cache of syntax highlighted and wrapped message content
messageOffsets []int
tokenCount uint
startTime time.Time
elapsed time.Duration
// ui elements
content viewport.Model
input textarea.Model
spinner spinner.Model
replyCursor cursor.Model // cursor to indicate incoming response
func Chat(state shared.State) Model {
m := Model{
State: state,
conversation: &models.Conversation{},
persistence: true,
stopSignal: make(chan struct{}),
replyChan: make(chan models.Message),
replyChunkChan: make(chan string),
wrap: true,
selectedMessage: -1,
content: viewport.New(0, 0),
input: textarea.New(),
spinner: spinner.New(spinner.WithSpinner(
Frames: []string{
". ",
".. ",
".. ",
". ",
" ",
FPS: time.Second / 3,
replyCursor: cursor.New(),
m.replyCursor.SetChar(" ")
system := state.Ctx.GetSystemPrompt()
if system != "" {
m.messages = []models.Message{{
Role: models.MessageRoleSystem,
Content: system,
m.input.MaxHeight = 0
m.input.CharLimit = 0
m.input.ShowLineNumbers = false
m.input.Placeholder = "Enter a message"
m.input.FocusedStyle.CursorLine = lipgloss.NewStyle()
m.input.FocusedStyle.Base = inputFocusedStyle
m.input.BlurredStyle.Base = inputBlurredStyle
m.waitingForReply = false
m.status = "Press ctrl+s to send"
return m
// styles
var (
messageHeadingStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
userStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true).Foreground(lipgloss.Color("10"))
assistantStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true).Foreground(lipgloss.Color("12"))
messageStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
inputFocusedStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
Border(lipgloss.RoundedBorder(), true, true, true, false)
inputBlurredStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
Border(lipgloss.RoundedBorder(), true, true, true, false)
footerStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle()
func (m *Model) HandleInput(msg tea.KeyMsg) (bool, tea.Cmd) {
switch m.focus {
case focusInput:
consumed, cmd := m.HandleInputKey(msg)
if consumed {
return true, cmd
case focusMessages:
consumed, cmd := m.handleMessagesKey(msg)
if consumed {
return true, cmd
switch msg.String() {
case "esc":
if m.waitingForReply {
m.stopSignal <- struct{}{}
return true, nil
return true, func() tea.Msg {
return shared.MsgViewChange(shared.StateConversations)
case "ctrl+c":
if m.waitingForReply {
m.stopSignal <- struct{}{}
return true, nil
case "ctrl+p":
m.persistence = !m.persistence
return true, nil
case "ctrl+t":
m.showToolResults = !m.showToolResults
return true, nil
case "ctrl+w":
m.wrap = !m.wrap
return true, nil
return false, nil
func (m Model) Init() tea.Cmd {
return tea.Batch(
func (m *Model) HandleResize(width, height int) {
m.Width, m.Height = width, height
m.content.Width = width
m.input.SetWidth(width - m.input.FocusedStyle.Base.GetHorizontalFrameSize())
if len(m.messages) > 0 {
func (m Model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (Model, tea.Cmd) {
var cmds []tea.Cmd
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case shared.MsgViewEnter:
// wake up spinners and cursors
cmds = append(cmds, cursor.Blink, m.spinner.Tick)
if m.State.Values.ConvShortname != "" && m.conversation.ShortName.String != m.State.Values.ConvShortname {
cmds = append(cmds, m.loadConversation(m.State.Values.ConvShortname))
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
m.HandleResize(msg.Width, msg.Height)
case tuiutil.MsgTempfileEditorClosed:
contents := string(msg)
switch m.editorTarget {
case input:
case selectedMessage:
m.setMessageContents(m.selectedMessage, contents)
if m.persistence && m.messages[m.selectedMessage].ID > 0 {
// update persisted message
err := m.State.Ctx.Store.UpdateMessage(&m.messages[m.selectedMessage])
if err != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, shared.WrapError(fmt.Errorf("Could not save edited message: %v", err)))
case msgConversationLoaded:
m.conversation = (*models.Conversation)(msg)
m.rootMessages, _ = m.State.Ctx.Store.RootMessages(m.conversation.ID)
cmds = append(cmds, m.loadMessages(m.conversation))
case msgMessagesLoaded:
m.selectedMessage = len(msg) - 1
m.messages = msg
case msgResponseChunk:
cmds = append(cmds, m.waitForChunk()) // wait for the next chunk
chunk := string(msg)
if chunk == "" {
last := len(m.messages) - 1
if last >= 0 && m.messages[last].Role.IsAssistant() {
// append chunk to existing message
m.setMessageContents(last, m.messages[last].Content+chunk)
} else {
// use chunk in new message
Role: models.MessageRoleAssistant,
Content: chunk,
// show cursor and reset blink interval (simulate typing)
m.replyCursor.Blink = false
cmds = append(cmds, m.replyCursor.BlinkCmd())
m.elapsed = time.Now().Sub(m.startTime)
case msgAssistantReply:
cmds = append(cmds, m.waitForReply()) // wait for the next reply
reply := models.Message(msg)
reply.Content = strings.TrimSpace(reply.Content)
last := len(m.messages) - 1
if last < 0 {
panic("Unexpected empty messages handling msgAssistantReply")
if reply.Role.IsAssistant() && m.messages[last].Role.IsAssistant() {
// this was a continuation, so replace the previous message with the completed reply
m.setMessage(last, reply)
} else {
if m.persistence {
err := m.persistConversation()
if err != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, shared.WrapError(err))
if m.conversation.Title == "" {
cmds = append(cmds, m.generateConversationTitle())
case msgResponseEnd:
m.waitingForReply = false
last := len(m.messages) - 1
if last < 0 {
panic("Unexpected empty messages handling msgResponseEnd")
m.setMessageContents(last, strings.TrimSpace(m.messages[last].Content))
m.status = "Press ctrl+s to send"
case msgResponseError:
m.waitingForReply = false
m.status = "Press ctrl+s to send"
m.State.Err = error(msg)
case msgConversationTitleChanged:
title := string(msg)
m.conversation.Title = title
if m.persistence {
err := m.State.Ctx.Store.UpdateConversation(m.conversation)
if err != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, shared.WrapError(err))
case cursor.BlinkMsg:
if m.waitingForReply {
// ensure we show updated "wait for response" cursor blink state
var cmd tea.Cmd
m.spinner, cmd = m.spinner.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
m.replyCursor, cmd = m.replyCursor.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
prevInputLineCnt := m.input.LineCount()
inputCaptured := false
m.input, cmd = m.input.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
inputCaptured = true
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
if !inputCaptured {
m.content, cmd = m.content.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
// update views once window dimensions are known
if m.Width > 0 {
m.Header = m.headerView()
m.Footer = m.footerView()
m.Error = tuiutil.ErrorBanner(m.Err, m.Width)
fixedHeight := tuiutil.Height(m.Header) + tuiutil.Height(m.Error) + tuiutil.Height(m.Footer)
// calculate clamped input height to accomodate input text
// minimum 4 lines, maximum half of content area
newHeight := max(4, min((m.Height-fixedHeight-1)/2, m.input.LineCount()))
m.Input = m.input.View()
// remaining height towards content
m.content.Height = m.Height - fixedHeight - tuiutil.Height(m.Input)
m.Content = m.content.View()
// this is a pretty nasty hack to ensure the input area viewport doesn't
// scroll below its content, which can happen when the input viewport
// height has grown, or previously entered lines have been deleted
if prevInputLineCnt != m.input.LineCount() {
// dist is the distance we'd need to scroll up from the current cursor
// position to position the last input line at the bottom of the
// viewport. if negative, we're already scrolled above the bottom
dist := m.input.Line() - (m.input.LineCount() - m.input.Height())
if dist > 0 {
for i := 0; i < dist; i++ {
// move cursor up until content reaches the bottom of the viewport
m.input, cmd = m.input.Update(nil)
for i := 0; i < dist; i++ {
// move cursor back down to its previous position
m.input, cmd = m.input.Update(nil)
return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
func (m *Model) handleMessagesKey(msg tea.KeyMsg) (bool, tea.Cmd) {
switch msg.String() {
case "tab", "enter":
m.focus = focusInput
return true, nil
case "e":
message := m.messages[m.selectedMessage]
cmd := tuiutil.OpenTempfileEditor("message.*.md", message.Content, "# Edit the message below\n")
m.editorTarget = selectedMessage
return true, cmd
case "ctrl+k":
if m.selectedMessage > 0 && len(m.messages) == len(m.messageOffsets) {
offset := m.messageOffsets[m.selectedMessage]
tuiutil.ScrollIntoView(&m.content, offset, m.content.Height/2)
return true, nil
case "ctrl+j":
if m.selectedMessage < len(m.messages)-1 && len(m.messages) == len(m.messageOffsets) {
offset := m.messageOffsets[m.selectedMessage]
tuiutil.ScrollIntoView(&m.content, offset, m.content.Height/2)
return true, nil
case "ctrl+h", "ctrl+l":
dir := CyclePrev
if msg.String() == "ctrl+l" {
dir = CycleNext
var err error
var selected *models.Message
if m.selectedMessage == 0 {
selected, err = m.cycleSelectedRoot(m.conversation, dir)
if err != nil {
return true, shared.WrapError(fmt.Errorf("Could not cycle conversation root: %v", err))
} else if m.selectedMessage > 0 {
selected, err = m.cycleSelectedReply(&m.messages[m.selectedMessage-1], dir)
if err != nil {
return true, shared.WrapError(fmt.Errorf("Could not cycle reply: %v", err))
if selected == nil {
return false, nil
// Retrieve updated view at this point
newPath, err := m.State.Ctx.Store.PathToLeaf(selected)
if err != nil {
m.State.Err = fmt.Errorf("Could not fetch messages: %v", err)
m.messages = append(m.messages[:m.selectedMessage], newPath...)
return true, nil
case "ctrl+r":
// resubmit the conversation with all messages up until and including the selected message
if m.waitingForReply || len(m.messages) == 0 {
return true, nil
m.messages = m.messages[:m.selectedMessage+1]
m.messageCache = m.messageCache[:m.selectedMessage+1]
cmd := m.promptLLM()
return true, cmd
return false, nil
type CycleDirection int
const (
CycleNext CycleDirection = 1
CyclePrev CycleDirection = -1
func cycleMessages(m *models.Message, msgs []models.Message, dir CycleDirection) (*models.Message, error) {
currentIndex := -1
for i, reply := range msgs {
if reply.ID == m.ID {
currentIndex = i
if currentIndex < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("message not found")
var next int
if dir == CyclePrev {
// Wrap around to the last reply if at the beginning
next = (currentIndex - 1 + len(msgs)) % len(msgs)
} else {
// Wrap around to the first reply if at the end
next = (currentIndex + 1) % len(msgs)
return &msgs[next], nil
func (m *Model) cycleSelectedRoot(conv *models.Conversation, dir CycleDirection) (*models.Message, error) {
if len(m.rootMessages) < 2 {
return nil, nil
nextRoot, err := cycleMessages(conv.SelectedRoot, m.rootMessages, dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conv.SelectedRoot = nextRoot
err = m.State.Ctx.Store.UpdateConversation(conv)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not update conversation: %v", err)
return nextRoot, nil
func (m *Model) cycleSelectedReply(message *models.Message, dir CycleDirection) (*models.Message, error) {
if len(message.Replies) < 2 {
return nil, nil
nextReply, err := cycleMessages(message.SelectedReply, message.Replies, dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.SelectedReply = nextReply
err = m.State.Ctx.Store.UpdateMessage(message)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not update message: %v", err)
return nextReply, nil
func (m *Model) HandleInputKey(msg tea.KeyMsg) (bool, tea.Cmd) {
switch msg.String() {
case "esc":
m.focus = focusMessages
if len(m.messages) > 0 {
if m.selectedMessage < 0 || m.selectedMessage >= len(m.messages) {
m.selectedMessage = len(m.messages) - 1
offset := m.messageOffsets[m.selectedMessage]
tuiutil.ScrollIntoView(&m.content, offset, m.content.Height/2)
return true, nil
case "ctrl+s":
if m.waitingForReply {
return false, nil
input := strings.TrimSpace(m.input.Value())
if input == "" {
return true, nil
if len(m.messages) > 0 && m.messages[len(m.messages)-1].Role == models.MessageRoleUser {
return true, shared.WrapError(fmt.Errorf("Can't reply to a user message"))
Role: models.MessageRoleUser,
Content: input,
if m.persistence {
err := m.persistConversation()
if err != nil {
return true, shared.WrapError(err)
cmd := m.promptLLM()
return true, cmd
case "ctrl+e":
cmd := tuiutil.OpenTempfileEditor("message.*.md", m.input.Value(), "# Edit your input below\n")
m.editorTarget = input
return true, cmd
return false, nil
func (m Model) View() string {
if m.Width == 0 {
return ""
sections := make([]string, 0, 6)
if m.Header != "" {
sections = append(sections, m.Header)
sections = append(sections, m.Content)
if m.Error != "" {
sections = append(sections, m.Error)
sections = append(sections, m.Input)
if m.Footer != "" {
sections = append(sections, m.Footer)
return lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Left, sections...)
func (m *Model) renderMessageHeading(i int, message *models.Message) string {
icon := ""
friendly := message.Role.FriendlyRole()
style := lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true).Bold(true)
switch message.Role {
case models.MessageRoleSystem:
icon = "⚙️"
case models.MessageRoleUser:
style = userStyle
case models.MessageRoleAssistant:
style = assistantStyle
case models.MessageRoleToolCall:
style = assistantStyle
friendly = models.MessageRoleAssistant.FriendlyRole()
case models.MessageRoleToolResult:
icon = "🔧"
user := style.Render(icon + friendly)
var prefix string
var suffix string
faint := lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true)
if i == 0 && len(m.rootMessages) > 0 {
selectedRootIndex := 0
for j, reply := range m.rootMessages {
if reply.ID == *m.conversation.SelectedRootID {
selectedRootIndex = j
suffix += faint.Render(fmt.Sprintf(" <%d/%d>", selectedRootIndex+1, len(m.rootMessages)))
if i > 0 && len(m.messages[i-1].Replies) > 1 {
// Find the selected reply index
selectedReplyIndex := 0
for j, reply := range m.messages[i-1].Replies {
if reply.ID == *m.messages[i-1].SelectedReplyID {
selectedReplyIndex = j
suffix += faint.Render(fmt.Sprintf(" <%d/%d>", selectedReplyIndex+1, len(m.messages[i-1].Replies)))
if m.focus == focusMessages {
if i == m.selectedMessage {
prefix = "> "
if message.ID == 0 {
suffix += faint.Render(" (not saved)")
return messageHeadingStyle.Render(prefix + user + suffix)
func (m *Model) renderMessage(i int) string {
msg := &m.messages[i]
// Write message contents
sb := &strings.Builder{}
sb.Grow(len(msg.Content) * 2)
if msg.Content != "" {
err := m.State.Ctx.Chroma.Highlight(sb, msg.Content)
if err != nil {
// Show the assistant's cursor
if m.waitingForReply && i == len(m.messages)-1 {
// Write tool call info
var toolString string
switch msg.Role {
case models.MessageRoleToolCall:
bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(msg.ToolCalls)
if err != nil {
toolString = "Could not serialize ToolCalls"
} else {
toolString = "tool_calls:\n" + string(bytes)
case models.MessageRoleToolResult:
if !m.showToolResults {
type renderedResult struct {
ToolName string `yaml:"tool"`
Result any
var toolResults []renderedResult
for _, result := range msg.ToolResults {
var jsonResult interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(result.Result), &jsonResult)
if err != nil {
// If parsing as JSON fails, treat Result as a plain string
toolResults = append(toolResults, renderedResult{
ToolName: result.ToolName,
Result: result.Result,
} else {
// If parsing as JSON succeeds, marshal the parsed JSON into YAML
toolResults = append(toolResults, renderedResult{
ToolName: result.ToolName,
Result: &jsonResult,
bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(toolResults)
if err != nil {
toolString = "Could not serialize ToolResults"
} else {
toolString = "tool_results:\n" + string(bytes)
if toolString != "" {
toolString = strings.TrimRight(toolString, "\n")
if msg.Content != "" {
_ = m.State.Ctx.Chroma.HighlightLang(sb, toolString, "yaml")
content := strings.TrimRight(sb.String(), "\n")
if m.wrap {
wrapWidth := m.content.Width - messageStyle.GetHorizontalPadding()
// first we word-wrap text to slightly less than desired width (since
// wordwrap seems to have an off-by-1 issue), then hard wrap at
// desired with
content = wrap.String(wordwrap.String(content, wrapWidth-2), wrapWidth)
return messageStyle.Width(0).Render(content)
// render the conversation into a string
func (m *Model) conversationMessagesView() string {
sb := strings.Builder{}
m.messageOffsets = make([]int, len(m.messages))
lineCnt := 1
for i, message := range m.messages {
m.messageOffsets[i] = lineCnt
switch message.Role {
case models.MessageRoleToolCall:
if !m.showToolResults && message.Content == "" {
case models.MessageRoleToolResult:
if !m.showToolResults {
heading := m.renderMessageHeading(i, &message)
lineCnt += lipgloss.Height(heading)
var rendered string
if m.waitingForReply && i == len(m.messages)-1 {
// do a direct render of final (assistant) message to handle the
// assistant cursor blink
rendered = m.renderMessage(i)
} else {
rendered = m.messageCache[i]
lineCnt += lipgloss.Height(rendered)
return sb.String()
func (m *Model) headerView() string {
titleStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Bold(true)
var title string
if m.conversation != nil && m.conversation.Title != "" {
title = m.conversation.Title
} else {
title = "Untitled"
title = tuiutil.TruncateToCellWidth(title, m.Width-styles.Header.GetHorizontalPadding(), "...")
header := titleStyle.Render(title)
return styles.Header.Width(m.Width).Render(header)
func (m *Model) footerView() string {
segmentStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().PaddingLeft(1).PaddingRight(1).Faint(true)
segmentSeparator := "|"
savingStyle := segmentStyle.Copy().Bold(true)
saving := ""
if m.persistence {
saving = savingStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("2")).Render("✅💾")
} else {
saving = savingStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("1")).Render("❌💾")
status := m.status
if m.waitingForReply {
status += m.spinner.View()
leftSegments := []string{
rightSegments := []string{}
if m.elapsed > 0 && m.tokenCount > 0 {
throughput := fmt.Sprintf("%.0f t/sec", float64(m.tokenCount)/m.elapsed.Seconds())
rightSegments = append(rightSegments, segmentStyle.Render(throughput))
model := fmt.Sprintf("Model: %s", *m.State.Ctx.Config.Defaults.Model)
rightSegments = append(rightSegments, segmentStyle.Render(model))
left := strings.Join(leftSegments, segmentSeparator)
right := strings.Join(rightSegments, segmentSeparator)
totalWidth := lipgloss.Width(left) + lipgloss.Width(right)
remaining := m.Width - totalWidth
var padding string
if remaining > 0 {
padding = strings.Repeat(" ", remaining)
footer := left + padding + right
if remaining < 0 {
footer = tuiutil.TruncateToCellWidth(footer, m.Width, "...")
return footerStyle.Width(m.Width).Render(footer)
func (m *Model) setMessage(i int, msg models.Message) {
if i >= len(m.messages) {
panic("i out of range")
m.messages[i] = msg
m.messageCache[i] = m.renderMessage(i)
func (m *Model) addMessage(msg models.Message) {
m.messages = append(m.messages, msg)
m.messageCache = append(m.messageCache, m.renderMessage(len(m.messages)-1))
func (m *Model) setMessageContents(i int, content string) {
if i >= len(m.messages) {
panic("i out of range")
m.messages[i].Content = content
m.messageCache[i] = m.renderMessage(i)
func (m *Model) rebuildMessageCache() {
m.messageCache = make([]string, len(m.messages))
for i := range m.messages {
m.messageCache[i] = m.renderMessage(i)
func (m *Model) updateContent() {
atBottom := m.content.AtBottom()
if atBottom {
// if we were at bottom before the update, scroll with the output
func (m *Model) loadConversation(shortname string) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
if shortname == "" {
return nil
c, err := m.State.Ctx.Store.ConversationByShortName(shortname)
if err != nil {
return shared.MsgError(fmt.Errorf("Could not lookup conversation: %v", err))
if c.ID == 0 {
return shared.MsgError(fmt.Errorf("Conversation not found: %s", shortname))
return msgConversationLoaded(c)
func (m *Model) loadMessages(c *models.Conversation) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
messages, err := m.State.Ctx.Store.PathToLeaf(c.SelectedRoot)
if err != nil {
return shared.MsgError(fmt.Errorf("Could not load conversation messages: %v\n", err))
return msgMessagesLoaded(messages)
func (m *Model) persistConversation() error {
if m.conversation.ID == 0 {
// Start a new conversation with all messages so far
c, messages, err := m.State.Ctx.Store.StartConversation(m.messages...)
if err != nil {
return err
m.conversation = c
m.messages = messages
return nil
// else, we'll handle updating an existing conversation's messages
for i := 0; i < len(m.messages); i++ {
if m.messages[i].ID > 0 {
// message has an ID, update its contents
// TODO: check for content/tool equality before updating?
err := m.State.Ctx.Store.UpdateMessage(&m.messages[i])
if err != nil {
return err
} else if i > 0 {
// messages is new, so add it as a reply to previous message
saved, err := m.State.Ctx.Store.Reply(&m.messages[i-1], m.messages[i])
if err != nil {
return err
// add this message as a reply to the previous
m.messages[i-1].Replies = append(m.messages[i-1].Replies, saved[0])
m.messages[i] = saved[0]
} else {
// message has no id and no previous messages to add it to
// this shouldn't happen?
return fmt.Errorf("Error: no messages to reply to")
return nil
func (m *Model) generateConversationTitle() tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
title, err := cmdutil.GenerateTitle(m.State.Ctx, m.messages)
if err != nil {
return shared.MsgError(err)
return msgConversationTitleChanged(title)
func (m *Model) waitForReply() tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
return msgAssistantReply(<-m.replyChan)
func (m *Model) waitForChunk() tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
return msgResponseChunk(<-m.replyChunkChan)
func (m *Model) promptLLM() tea.Cmd {
m.waitingForReply = true
m.replyCursor.Blink = false
m.status = "Press ctrl+c to cancel"
toPrompt := m.messages
// Add response placeholder message
if m.messages[len(m.messages)-1].Role != models.MessageRoleAssistant {
Role: models.MessageRoleAssistant,
Content: "",
m.tokenCount = 0
m.startTime = time.Now()
m.elapsed = 0
return func() tea.Msg {
completionProvider, err := m.State.Ctx.GetCompletionProvider(*m.State.Ctx.Config.Defaults.Model)
if err != nil {
return shared.MsgError(err)
requestParams := models.RequestParameters{
Model: *m.State.Ctx.Config.Defaults.Model,
MaxTokens: *m.State.Ctx.Config.Defaults.MaxTokens,
Temperature: *m.State.Ctx.Config.Defaults.Temperature,
ToolBag: m.State.Ctx.EnabledTools,
replyHandler := func(msg models.Message) {
m.replyChan <- msg
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
canceled := false
go func() {
select {
case <-m.stopSignal:
canceled = true
resp, err := completionProvider.CreateChatCompletionStream(
ctx, requestParams, toPrompt, replyHandler, m.replyChunkChan,
if err != nil && !canceled {
return msgResponseError(err)
return msgResponseEnd(resp)