Matt Low 02228d65ac Update tui error handling
- Allow each view to position error banners where they choose
- Add global 'esc' key handler to dismiss errors
2024-12-12 07:10:50 +00:00

374 lines
10 KiB

package chat
import (
tuiutil "git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli/pkg/tui/util"
// styles
var (
boldStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Bold(true)
faintStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true)
boldFaintStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true).Bold(true)
messageHeadingStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
userStyle = boldFaintStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("10"))
assistantStyle = boldFaintStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("12"))
systemStyle = boldStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("8"))
messageStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
inputFocusedStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
Border(lipgloss.RoundedBorder(), true, true, true, false)
inputBlurredStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
Border(lipgloss.RoundedBorder(), true, true, true, false)
footerStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Padding(0, 1)
func (m *Model) renderMessageHeading(i int, message *conversation.Message) string {
friendly := message.Role.FriendlyRole()
style := systemStyle
switch message.Role {
case api.MessageRoleUser:
style = userStyle
case api.MessageRoleAssistant:
style = assistantStyle
case api.MessageRoleToolCall:
style = assistantStyle
friendly = api.MessageRoleAssistant.FriendlyRole()
case api.MessageRoleSystem:
case api.MessageRoleToolResult:
user := style.Render(friendly)
var prefix, suffix string
if i == m.selectedMessage && m.focus == focusMessages {
prefix = "> "
} else {
prefix = " "
if i == 0 && m.App.Conversation.SelectedRootID != nil && len(m.App.Conversation.RootMessages) > 1 {
selectedRootIndex := 0
for j, reply := range m.App.Conversation.RootMessages {
if reply.ID == *m.App.Conversation.SelectedRootID {
selectedRootIndex = j
suffix += faintStyle.Render(fmt.Sprintf(" <%d/%d>", selectedRootIndex+1, len(m.App.Conversation.RootMessages)))
if i > 0 && len(m.App.Messages[i-1].Replies) > 1 {
// Find the selected reply index
selectedReplyIndex := 0
for j, reply := range m.App.Messages[i-1].Replies {
if reply.ID == *m.App.Messages[i-1].SelectedReplyID {
selectedReplyIndex = j
suffix += faintStyle.Render(fmt.Sprintf(" <%d/%d>", selectedReplyIndex+1, len(m.App.Messages[i-1].Replies)))
if message.ID == 0 {
suffix += faintStyle.Render(" (not saved)")
heading := prefix + user + suffix
if message.Metadata.GenerationModel != nil && m.showDetails {
heading += faintStyle.Render(
fmt.Sprintf(" | %s", *message.Metadata.GenerationModel),
return messageHeadingStyle.Render(heading)
// renderMessages renders the message at the given index as it should be shown
// *at this moment* - we render differently depending on the current application
// state (window size, etc, etc).
func (m *Model) renderMessage(i int) string {
msg := &m.App.Messages[i]
// Write message contents
sb := &strings.Builder{}
sb.Grow(len(msg.Content) * 2)
if msg.Content != "" {
err := m.App.Ctx.Chroma.Highlight(sb, msg.Content)
if err != nil {
isLast := i == len(m.App.Messages)-1
isAssistant := msg.Role == api.MessageRoleAssistant
if m.state == pendingResponse && isLast && isAssistant {
// Show the assistant's cursor
// Write tool call info
var toolString string
switch msg.Role {
case api.MessageRoleToolCall:
bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(msg.ToolCalls)
if err != nil {
toolString = "Could not serialize ToolCalls"
} else {
toolString = "tool_calls:\n" + string(bytes)
case api.MessageRoleToolResult:
type renderedResult struct {
ToolName string `yaml:"tool"`
Result any `yaml:"result,omitempty"`
var toolResults []renderedResult
for _, result := range msg.ToolResults {
if m.showDetails {
var jsonResult interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(result.Result), &jsonResult)
if err != nil {
// If parsing as JSON fails, treat Result as a plain string
toolResults = append(toolResults, renderedResult{
ToolName: result.ToolName,
Result: result.Result,
} else {
// If parsing as JSON succeeds, marshal the parsed JSON into YAML
toolResults = append(toolResults, renderedResult{
ToolName: result.ToolName,
Result: &jsonResult,
} else {
// Only show the tool name when results are hidden
toolResults = append(toolResults, renderedResult{
ToolName: result.ToolName,
Result: "(hidden, press ctrl+t to view)",
bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(toolResults)
if err != nil {
toolString = "Could not serialize ToolResults"
} else {
toolString = "tool_results:\n" + string(bytes)
if toolString != "" {
toolString = strings.TrimRight(toolString, "\n")
if msg.Content != "" {
_ = m.App.Ctx.Chroma.HighlightLang(sb, toolString, "yaml")
content := strings.TrimRight(sb.String(), "\n")
if m.wrap {
wrapWidth := m.content.Width - messageStyle.GetHorizontalPadding()
// first we word-wrap text to slightly less than desired width (since
// wordwrap seems to have an off-by-1 issue), then hard wrap at
// desired with
content = wrap.String(wordwrap.String(content, wrapWidth-2), wrapWidth)
return messageStyle.Width(0).Render(content)
// render the conversation into a string
func (m *Model) conversationMessagesView() string {
m.messageOffsets = make([]int, len(m.App.Messages))
lineCnt := 1
sb := strings.Builder{}
for i, message := range m.App.Messages {
m.messageOffsets[i] = lineCnt
if !m.showDetails && message.Role.IsSystem() {
heading := m.renderMessageHeading(i, &message)
lineCnt += lipgloss.Height(heading)
rendered := m.messageCache[i]
lineCnt += lipgloss.Height(rendered)
// Render a placeholder for the incoming assistant reply
if m.state == pendingResponse && m.App.Messages[len(m.App.Messages)-1].Role != api.MessageRoleAssistant {
heading := m.renderMessageHeading(-1, &conversation.Message{
Role: api.MessageRoleAssistant,
Metadata: conversation.MessageMeta{
GenerationModel: &m.App.Model,
return sb.String()
func (m *Model) Content(width, height int, errors string) string {
// calculate clamped input height to accomodate input text
// minimum 4 lines, maximum half of content area
inputHeight := max(4, min(height/2, m.input.LineCount()))
input := m.input.View()
// remaining height towards content
m.content.Width, m.content.Height = width, height-tuiutil.Height(input)
content := m.content.View()
var sections []string
if errors != "" {
sections = []string{content, errors, input}
} else {
sections = []string{content, input}
return lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Left, sections...)
func (m *Model) Header(width int) string {
titleStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Bold(true)
var title string
if m.App.Conversation.Title != "" {
title = m.App.Conversation.Title
} else {
title = "Untitled"
title = tuiutil.TruncateRightToCellWidth(title, width-styles.Header.GetHorizontalPadding(), "...")
header := titleStyle.Render(title)
return styles.Header.Width(width).Render(header)
func (m *Model) Footer(width int) string {
segmentStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true)
segmentSeparator := segmentStyle.Render(" | ")
// Left segments
leftSegments := make([]string, 0, 4)
if m.state == pendingResponse {
leftSegments = append(leftSegments, segmentStyle.Render(m.spinner.View()))
} else {
leftSegments = append(leftSegments, segmentStyle.Render("∙∙∙"))
if m.elapsed > 0 && m.tokenCount > 0 {
throughput := fmt.Sprintf("%.0f t/sec", float64(m.tokenCount)/m.elapsed.Seconds())
leftSegments = append(leftSegments, segmentStyle.Render(throughput))
// var status string
// switch m.state {
// case pendingResponse:
// status = "Press ctrl+c to cancel"
// default:
// status = "Press ctrl+s to send"
// }
// leftSegments = append(leftSegments, segmentStyle.Render(status))
// Right segments
rightSegments := make([]string, 0, 8)
if m.App.Agent != nil {
rightSegments = append(rightSegments, segmentStyle.Render(m.App.Agent.Name))
model := segmentStyle.Render(m.App.ActiveModel(lipgloss.NewStyle()))
rightSegments = append(rightSegments, model)
savingStyle := segmentStyle.Bold(true)
saving := ""
if m.persistence {
saving = savingStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("2")).Render("💾✅")
} else {
saving = savingStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("1")).Render("💾❌")
rightSegments = append(rightSegments, saving)
return m.layoutFooter(width, leftSegments, rightSegments, segmentSeparator)
func (m *Model) layoutFooter(
width int,
leftSegments []string,
rightSegments []string,
segmentSeparator string,
) string {
left := strings.Join(leftSegments, segmentSeparator)
right := strings.Join(rightSegments, segmentSeparator)
leftWidth := tuiutil.Width(left)
rightWidth := tuiutil.Width(right)
sepWidth := tuiutil.Width(segmentSeparator)
frameWidth := footerStyle.GetHorizontalFrameSize()
availableWidth := width - frameWidth - leftWidth - rightWidth
if availableWidth >= sepWidth {
// Everything fits
padding := strings.Repeat(" ", availableWidth)
return footerStyle.Render(left + padding + right)
// Inserted between left and right segments when they're being truncated
div := "..."
totalAvailableWidth := width - frameWidth
availableTruncWidth := totalAvailableWidth - len(div)
minVisibleLength := 3
if availableTruncWidth < 2*minVisibleLength {
minVisibleLength = availableTruncWidth / 2
leftProportion := float64(leftWidth) / float64(leftWidth+rightWidth)
newLeftWidth := int(max(float64(minVisibleLength), leftProportion*float64(availableTruncWidth)))
newRightWidth := totalAvailableWidth - newLeftWidth
truncatedLeft := faintStyle.Render(tuiutil.TruncateRightToCellWidth(left, newLeftWidth, ""))
truncatedRight := faintStyle.Render(tuiutil.TruncateLeftToCellWidth(right, newRightWidth, "..."))
return footerStyle.Width(width).Render(truncatedLeft + truncatedRight)