# lmcli - Large ____ Model CLI `lmcli` is a versatile command-line interface for interacting with LLMs and LMMs. ## Features - Multiple model backends (Ollama, OpenAI, Anthropic, Google) - Customizable agents with tool calling - Persistent conversation management - Message branching (edit and re-prompt to your heart's desire) - Interactive terminal interface for seamless chat experiences - Utilizes `$EDITOR`, write and edit prompts from the comfort of your own editor :) - `vi`-like bindings - Syntax highlighting! ## Screenshots [TODO: Add screenshots of the TUI in action, showing different views and features] ## Installation To install `lmcli`, make sure you have Go installed on your system, then run: ```sh go install git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli@latest ``` ## Configuration `lmcli` uses a YAML configuration file located at `~/.config/lmcli/config.yaml`. Here's a sample configuration: ```yaml defaults: model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 maxTokens: 3072 temperature: 0.2 conversations: titleGenerationModel: claude-3-haiku-20240307 chroma: style: onedark formatter: terminal16m agents: - name: coder tools: - dir_tree - read_file #- write_file systemPrompt: | You are an experienced software engineer... # ... providers: - kind: ollama models: - phi3:instruct - llama3:8b - kind: anthropic apiKey: your-api-key-here models: - claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 - claude-3-opus-20240229 - claude-3-haiku-20240307 - kind: openai apiKey: your-api-key-here models: - gpt-4o - gpt-4-turbo - name: openrouter kind: openai apiKey: your-api-key-here baseUrl: https://openrouter.ai/api/ models: - qwen/qwen-2-72b-instruct # ... ``` Customize this file to add your own providers, agents, and models. ### Syntax highlighting Syntax highlighting is performed by [Chroma](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma). Refer to [`Chroma/styles`](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/styles) for available styles (TODO: add support for custom Chroma styles). Available formatters: - `terminal` - 8 colors - `terminal16` - 16 colors - `terminal256` - 256 colors - `terminal16m` - true color (default) ## Agents Agents in `lmcli` combine a system prompt with a set of available tools. Agents are defined in `config.yaml` and are called upon with the `-a`/`--agent` flag. Agent functionality is expected to be expanded on, bringing them to close parity with something like OpenAI's "Assistants" feature. ## Tools Tools are used by agents to acquire information from and interact with external systems. The following built-in tools are available: - `dir_tree`: Display a directory structure - `read_file`: Read the contents of a file - `write_file`: Write content to a file - `file_insert_lines`: Insert lines at a specific position in a file - `file_replace_lines`: Replace a range of lines in a file Obviously, some of these tools carry significant risk. Use wisely :) More tool features are planned, including the ability to define arbitrary tools which call out to external scripts, tools to spawn sub-agents, perform web searches, etc. ## Usage ```console $ lmcli help lmcli - Large Language Model CLI Usage: lmcli [flags] lmcli [command] Available Commands: chat Open the chat interface clone Clone conversations completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell continue Continue a conversation from the last message edit Edit the last user reply in a conversation help Help about any command list List conversations new Start a new conversation prompt Do a one-shot prompt rename Rename a conversation reply Reply to a conversation retry Retry the last user reply in a conversation rm Remove conversations view View messages in a conversation Flags: -h, --help help for lmcli Use "lmcli [command] --help" for more information about a command. ``` ### Examples Start a new chat with the `coder` agent: ```console $ lmcli chat --agent coder ``` Start a new conversation, imperative style (no tui): ```console $ lmcli new "Help me plan meals for the next week" ``` Send a one-shot prompt (no persistence): ```console $ lmcli prompt "What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?" ``` ## Contributing Contributions to `lmcli` are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests on the project repository. For a full list of planned features and improvements, check out the [TODO.md](TODO.md) file. ## License To be determined ## Acknowledgements `lmcli` is a small hobby project. Special thanks to the Go community and the creators of the libraries used in this project.