package tui // The terminal UI for lmcli, launched from the `lmcli chat` command // TODO: // - conversation list view // - change model // - rename conversation // - set system prompt // - system prompt library? import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "time" cmdutil "" "" models "" "" "" "" tea "" "" "" ) type focusState int const ( focusInput focusState = iota focusMessages ) type editorTarget int const ( input editorTarget = iota selectedMessage ) type model struct { width int height int ctx *lmcli.Context convShortname string // application state conversation *models.Conversation messages []models.Message waitingForReply bool editorTarget editorTarget stopSignal chan interface{} replyChan chan models.Message replyChunkChan chan string persistence bool // whether we will save new messages in the conversation err error // ui state focus focusState wrap bool // whether message content is wrapped to viewport width status string // a general status message highlightCache []string // a cache of syntax highlighted message content messageOffsets []int selectedMessage int // ui elements content viewport.Model input textarea.Model spinner spinner.Model } type message struct { role string content string } // custom tea.Msg types type ( // sent on each chunk received from LLM msgResponseChunk string // sent when response is finished being received msgResponseEnd string // a special case of msgError that stops the response waiting animation msgResponseError error // sent on each completed reply msgAssistantReply models.Message // sent when a conversation is (re)loaded msgConversationLoaded *models.Conversation // sent when a new conversation title is set msgConversationTitleChanged string // send when a conversation's messages are laoded msgMessagesLoaded []models.Message // sent when an error occurs msgError error ) // styles var ( userStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true).Bold(true).Foreground(lipgloss.Color("10")) assistantStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true).Bold(true).Foreground(lipgloss.Color("12")) messageStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().PaddingLeft(2).PaddingRight(2) headerStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle(). Background(lipgloss.Color("0")) conversationStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle(). MarginTop(1). MarginBottom(1) footerStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle(). BorderTop(true). BorderStyle(lipgloss.NormalBorder()) ) func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd { return tea.Batch( textarea.Blink, m.spinner.Tick, m.loadConversation(m.convShortname), m.waitForChunk(), m.waitForReply(), ) } func wrapError(err error) tea.Cmd { return func() tea.Msg { return msgError(err) } } func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) { var cmds []tea.Cmd switch msg := msg.(type) { case msgTempfileEditorClosed: contents := string(msg) switch m.editorTarget { case input: m.input.SetValue(contents) case selectedMessage: m.setMessageContents(m.selectedMessage, contents) if m.persistence && m.messages[m.selectedMessage].ID > 0 { // update persisted message err := m.ctx.Store.UpdateMessage(&m.messages[m.selectedMessage]) if err != nil { cmds = append(cmds, wrapError(fmt.Errorf("Could not save edited message: %v", err))) } } m.updateContent() } case tea.KeyMsg: switch msg.String() { case "ctrl+c": if m.waitingForReply { m.stopSignal <- "" } else { return m, tea.Quit } case "ctrl+p": m.persistence = !m.persistence case "ctrl+w": m.wrap = !m.wrap m.updateContent() case "q": if m.focus != focusInput { return m, tea.Quit } default: var inputHandled tea.Cmd switch m.focus { case focusInput: inputHandled = m.handleInputKey(msg) case focusMessages: inputHandled = m.handleMessagesKey(msg) } if inputHandled != nil { return m, inputHandled } } case tea.WindowSizeMsg: m.width = msg.Width m.height = msg.Height m.content.Width = msg.Width m.content.Height = msg.Height - m.getFixedComponentHeight() m.input.SetWidth(msg.Width - 1) m.updateContent() case msgConversationLoaded: m.conversation = (*models.Conversation)(msg) cmds = append(cmds, m.loadMessages(m.conversation)) case msgMessagesLoaded: m.setMessages(msg) m.updateContent() case msgResponseChunk: chunk := string(msg) last := len(m.messages) - 1 if last >= 0 && m.messages[last].Role == models.MessageRoleAssistant { m.setMessageContents(last, m.messages[last].Content+chunk) } else { m.addMessage(models.Message{ Role: models.MessageRoleAssistant, Content: chunk, }) } m.updateContent() cmds = append(cmds, m.waitForChunk()) // wait for the next chunk case msgAssistantReply: // the last reply that was being worked on is finished reply := models.Message(msg) last := len(m.messages) - 1 if last < 0 { panic("Unexpected empty messages handling msgReply") } m.setMessageContents(last, strings.TrimSpace(m.messages[last].Content)) if m.messages[last].Role == models.MessageRoleAssistant { // the last message was an assistant message, so this is a continuation if reply.Role == models.MessageRoleToolCall { // update last message rrole to tool call m.messages[last].Role = models.MessageRoleToolCall } } else { m.addMessage(reply) } if m.persistence { var err error if m.conversation.ID == 0 { err = m.ctx.Store.SaveConversation(m.conversation) } if err != nil { cmds = append(cmds, wrapError(err)) } else { cmds = append(cmds, m.persistConversation()) } } if m.conversation.Title == "" { cmds = append(cmds, m.generateConversationTitle()) } m.updateContent() cmds = append(cmds, m.waitForReply()) case msgResponseEnd: m.waitingForReply = false last := len(m.messages) - 1 if last < 0 { panic("Unexpected empty messages handling msgResponseEnd") } m.setMessageContents(last, strings.TrimSpace(m.messages[last].Content)) m.updateContent() m.status = "Press ctrl+s to send" case msgResponseError: m.waitingForReply = false m.status = "Press ctrl+s to send" m.err = error(msg) case msgConversationTitleChanged: title := string(msg) m.conversation.Title = title if m.persistence { err := m.ctx.Store.SaveConversation(m.conversation) if err != nil { cmds = append(cmds, wrapError(err)) } } case msgError: m.err = error(msg) } var cmd tea.Cmd m.spinner, cmd = m.spinner.Update(msg) if cmd != nil { cmds = append(cmds, cmd) } inputCaptured := false m.input, cmd = m.input.Update(msg) if cmd != nil { inputCaptured = true cmds = append(cmds, cmd) } if !inputCaptured { m.content, cmd = m.content.Update(msg) if cmd != nil { cmds = append(cmds, cmd) } } return m, tea.Batch(cmds...) } func (m model) View() string { if m.width == 0 { // this is the case upon initial startup, but it's also a safe bet that // we can just skip rendering if the terminal is really 0 width... // without this, the m.*View() functions may crash return "" } sections := make([]string, 0, 6) sections = append(sections, m.headerView()) sections = append(sections, m.contentView()) error := m.errorView() if error != "" { sections = append(sections, error) } sections = append(sections, m.inputView()) sections = append(sections, m.footerView()) return lipgloss.JoinVertical( lipgloss.Left, sections..., ) } // returns the total height of "fixed" components, which are those which don't // change height dependent on window size. func (m *model) getFixedComponentHeight() int { h := 0 h += m.input.Height() h += lipgloss.Height(m.headerView()) h += lipgloss.Height(m.footerView()) errorView := m.errorView() if errorView != "" { h += lipgloss.Height(errorView) } return h } func (m *model) headerView() string { titleStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle(). PaddingLeft(1). PaddingRight(1). Bold(true) var title string if m.conversation != nil && m.conversation.Title != "" { title = m.conversation.Title } else { title = "Untitled" } part := titleStyle.Render(title) return headerStyle.Width(m.width).Render(part) } func (m *model) contentView() string { return m.content.View() } func (m *model) errorView() string { if m.err == nil { return "" } return lipgloss.NewStyle(). Width(m.width). AlignHorizontal(lipgloss.Center). Bold(true). Foreground(lipgloss.Color("1")). Render(fmt.Sprintf("%s", m.err)) } func (m *model) inputView() string { return m.input.View() } func (m *model) footerView() string { segmentStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().PaddingLeft(1).PaddingRight(1).Faint(true) segmentSeparator := "|" savingStyle := segmentStyle.Copy().Bold(true) saving := "" if m.persistence { saving = savingStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("2")).Render("✅💾") } else { saving = savingStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("1")).Render("❌💾") } status := m.status if m.waitingForReply { status += m.spinner.View() } leftSegments := []string{ saving, segmentStyle.Render(status), } rightSegments := []string{ segmentStyle.Render(fmt.Sprintf("Model: %s", *m.ctx.Config.Defaults.Model)), } left := strings.Join(leftSegments, segmentSeparator) right := strings.Join(rightSegments, segmentSeparator) totalWidth := lipgloss.Width(left) + lipgloss.Width(right) remaining := m.width - totalWidth var padding string if remaining > 0 { padding = strings.Repeat(" ", remaining) } footer := left + padding + right if remaining < 0 { ellipses := "... " // this doesn't work very well, due to trying to trim a string with // ansii chars already in it footer = footer[:(len(footer)+remaining)-len(ellipses)-3] + ellipses } return footerStyle.Width(m.width).Render(footer) } func initialModel(ctx *lmcli.Context, convShortname string) model { m := model{ ctx: ctx, convShortname: convShortname, conversation: &models.Conversation{}, persistence: true, stopSignal: make(chan interface{}), replyChan: make(chan models.Message), replyChunkChan: make(chan string), wrap: true, selectedMessage: -1, } m.content = viewport.New(0, 0) m.input = textarea.New() m.input.CharLimit = 0 m.input.Placeholder = "Enter a message" m.input.FocusedStyle.CursorLine = lipgloss.NewStyle() m.input.ShowLineNumbers = false m.input.SetHeight(4) m.input.Focus() m.spinner = spinner.New(spinner.WithSpinner( spinner.Spinner{ Frames: []string{ ". ", ".. ", "...", ".. ", ". ", " ", }, FPS: time.Second / 3, }, )) m.waitingForReply = false m.status = "Press ctrl+s to send" return m } // fraction is the fraction of the total screen height into view the offset // should be scrolled into view. 0.5 = items will be snapped to middle of // view func scrollIntoView(vp *viewport.Model, offset int, fraction float32) { currentOffset := vp.YOffset if offset >= currentOffset && offset < currentOffset+vp.Height { return } distance := currentOffset - offset if distance < 0 { // we should scroll down until it just comes into view vp.SetYOffset(currentOffset - (distance + (vp.Height - int(float32(vp.Height)*fraction))) + 1) } else { // we should scroll up vp.SetYOffset(currentOffset - distance - int(float32(vp.Height)*fraction)) } } func (m *model) handleMessagesKey(msg tea.KeyMsg) tea.Cmd { switch msg.String() { case "tab": m.focus = focusInput m.updateContent() m.input.Focus() case "e": message := m.messages[m.selectedMessage] cmd := openTempfileEditor("message.*.md", message.Content, "# Edit the message below\n") m.editorTarget = selectedMessage return cmd case "ctrl+k": if m.selectedMessage > 0 && len(m.messages) == len(m.messageOffsets) { m.selectedMessage-- m.updateContent() offset := m.messageOffsets[m.selectedMessage] scrollIntoView(&m.content, offset, 0.1) } case "ctrl+j": if m.selectedMessage < len(m.messages)-1 && len(m.messages) == len(m.messageOffsets) { m.selectedMessage++ m.updateContent() offset := m.messageOffsets[m.selectedMessage] scrollIntoView(&m.content, offset, 0.1) } case "ctrl+r": // resubmit the conversation with all messages up until and including // the selected message if len(m.messages) == 0 { return nil } m.messages = m.messages[:m.selectedMessage+1] m.highlightCache = m.highlightCache[:m.selectedMessage+1] m.updateContent() m.content.GotoBottom() return m.promptLLM() } return nil } func (m *model) handleInputKey(msg tea.KeyMsg) tea.Cmd { switch msg.String() { case "esc": m.focus = focusMessages if m.selectedMessage < 0 || m.selectedMessage >= len(m.messages) { m.selectedMessage = len(m.messages) - 1 } m.updateContent() m.input.Blur() case "ctrl+s": userInput := strings.TrimSpace(m.input.Value()) if strings.TrimSpace(userInput) == "" { return nil } if len(m.messages) > 0 && m.messages[len(m.messages)-1].Role == models.MessageRoleUser { return wrapError(fmt.Errorf("Can't reply to a user message")) } reply := models.Message{ Role: models.MessageRoleUser, Content: userInput, } if m.persistence { var err error if m.conversation.ID == 0 { err = m.ctx.Store.SaveConversation(m.conversation) } if err != nil { return wrapError(err) } // ensure all messages up to the one we're about to add are // persistent cmd := m.persistConversation() if cmd != nil { return cmd } // persist our new message, returning with any possible errors savedReply, err := m.ctx.Store.AddReply(m.conversation, reply) if err != nil { return wrapError(err) } reply = *savedReply } m.input.SetValue("") m.addMessage(reply) m.updateContent() m.content.GotoBottom() return m.promptLLM() case "ctrl+e": cmd := openTempfileEditor("message.*.md", m.input.Value(), "# Edit your input below\n") m.editorTarget = input return cmd } return nil } func (m *model) loadConversation(shortname string) tea.Cmd { return func() tea.Msg { if shortname == "" { return nil } c, err := m.ctx.Store.ConversationByShortName(shortname) if err != nil { return msgError(fmt.Errorf("Could not lookup conversation: %v", err)) } if c.ID == 0 { return msgError(fmt.Errorf("Conversation not found: %s", shortname)) } return msgConversationLoaded(c) } } func (m *model) loadMessages(c *models.Conversation) tea.Cmd { return func() tea.Msg { messages, err := m.ctx.Store.Messages(c) if err != nil { return msgError(fmt.Errorf("Could not load conversation messages: %v\n", err)) } return msgMessagesLoaded(messages) } } func (m *model) waitForReply() tea.Cmd { return func() tea.Msg { return msgAssistantReply(<-m.replyChan) } } func (m *model) waitForChunk() tea.Cmd { return func() tea.Msg { return msgResponseChunk(<-m.replyChunkChan) } } func (m *model) generateConversationTitle() tea.Cmd { return func() tea.Msg { title, err := cmdutil.GenerateTitle(m.ctx, m.conversation) if err != nil { return msgError(err) } return msgConversationTitleChanged(title) } } func (m *model) promptLLM() tea.Cmd { m.waitingForReply = true m.status = "Press ctrl+c to cancel" return func() tea.Msg { completionProvider, err := m.ctx.GetCompletionProvider(*m.ctx.Config.Defaults.Model) if err != nil { return msgError(err) } requestParams := models.RequestParameters{ Model: *m.ctx.Config.Defaults.Model, MaxTokens: *m.ctx.Config.Defaults.MaxTokens, Temperature: *m.ctx.Config.Defaults.Temperature, ToolBag: m.ctx.EnabledTools, } replyHandler := func(msg models.Message) { m.replyChan <- msg } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) canceled := false go func() { select { case <-m.stopSignal: canceled = true cancel() } }() resp, err := completionProvider.CreateChatCompletionStream( ctx, requestParams, m.messages, replyHandler, m.replyChunkChan, ) if err != nil && !canceled { return msgResponseError(err) } return msgResponseEnd(resp) } } func (m *model) persistConversation() tea.Cmd { existingMessages, err := m.ctx.Store.Messages(m.conversation) if err != nil { return wrapError(fmt.Errorf("Could not retrieve existing conversation messages while trying to save: %v", err)) } existingById := make(map[uint]*models.Message, len(existingMessages)) for _, msg := range existingMessages { existingById[msg.ID] = &msg } currentById := make(map[uint]*models.Message, len(m.messages)) for _, msg := range m.messages { currentById[msg.ID] = &msg } for _, msg := range existingMessages { _, ok := currentById[msg.ID] if !ok { err := m.ctx.Store.DeleteMessage(&msg) if err != nil { return wrapError(fmt.Errorf("Failed to remove messages: %v", err)) } } } for i, msg := range m.messages { if msg.ID > 0 { exist, ok := existingById[msg.ID] if ok { if msg.Content == exist.Content { continue } // update message when contents don't match that of store err := m.ctx.Store.UpdateMessage(&msg) if err != nil { return wrapError(err) } } else { // this would be quite odd... and I'm not sure how to handle // it at the time of writing this } } else { newMessage, err := m.ctx.Store.AddReply(m.conversation, msg) if err != nil { return wrapError(err) } m.setMessage(i, *newMessage) } } return nil } func (m *model) setMessages(messages []models.Message) { m.messages = messages m.highlightCache = make([]string, len(messages)) for i, msg := range m.messages { highlighted, _ := m.ctx.Chroma.HighlightS(msg.Content) m.highlightCache[i] = highlighted } } func (m *model) setMessage(i int, msg models.Message) { if i >= len(m.messages) { panic("i out of range") } highlighted, _ := m.ctx.Chroma.HighlightS(msg.Content) m.messages[i] = msg m.highlightCache[i] = highlighted } func (m *model) addMessage(msg models.Message) { highlighted, _ := m.ctx.Chroma.HighlightS(msg.Content) m.messages = append(m.messages, msg) m.highlightCache = append(m.highlightCache, highlighted) } func (m *model) setMessageContents(i int, content string) { if i >= len(m.messages) { panic("i out of range") } highlighted, _ := m.ctx.Chroma.HighlightS(content) m.messages[i].Content = content m.highlightCache[i] = highlighted } func (m *model) updateContent() { atBottom := m.content.AtBottom() m.content.SetContent(m.conversationView()) if atBottom { // if we were at bottom before the update, scroll with the output m.content.GotoBottom() } } // render the conversation into a string func (m *model) conversationView() string { sb := strings.Builder{} msgCnt := len(m.messages) m.messageOffsets = make([]int, len(m.messages)) lineCnt := conversationStyle.GetMarginTop() for i, message := range m.messages { m.messageOffsets[i] = lineCnt icon := "⚙️" friendly := message.Role.FriendlyRole() style := lipgloss.NewStyle().Bold(true).Faint(true) switch message.Role { case models.MessageRoleUser: icon = "" style = userStyle case models.MessageRoleAssistant: icon = "" style = assistantStyle case models.MessageRoleToolCall, models.MessageRoleToolResult: icon = "🔧" } // write message heading with space for content user := style.Render(icon + friendly) var prefix string var suffix string faint := lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true) if m.focus == focusMessages { if i == m.selectedMessage { prefix = "> " } suffix += faint.Render(fmt.Sprintf(" (%d/%d)", i+1, msgCnt)) } if message.ID == 0 { suffix += faint.Render(" (not saved)") } header := lipgloss.NewStyle().PaddingLeft(1).Render(prefix + user + suffix) sb.WriteString(header) lineCnt += lipgloss.Height(header) // TODO: special rendering for tool calls/results? if message.Content != "" { sb.WriteString("\n\n") lineCnt += 1 // write message contents var highlighted string if m.highlightCache[i] == "" { highlighted = message.Content } else { highlighted = m.highlightCache[i] } var contents string if m.wrap { wrapWidth := m.content.Width - messageStyle.GetHorizontalPadding() - 2 wrapped := wordwrap.String(highlighted, wrapWidth) contents = wrapped } else { contents = highlighted } sb.WriteString(messageStyle.Width(0).Render(contents)) lineCnt += lipgloss.Height(contents) } if i < msgCnt-1 { sb.WriteString("\n\n") lineCnt += 1 } } return conversationStyle.Render(sb.String()) } func Launch(ctx *lmcli.Context, convShortname string) error { p := tea.NewProgram(initialModel(ctx, convShortname), tea.WithAltScreen()) if _, err := p.Run(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error running program: %v", err) } return nil }