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Matt Low 2024-06-23 20:37:00 +00:00
parent 6f5cf68208
commit 8ca044b6af
1 changed files with 157 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -1,59 +1,174 @@
# lmcli
# lmcli - Large ____ Model CLI
`lmcli` is a (Large) Language Model CLI.
`lmcli` is a versatile command-line interface for interacting with LLMs and LMMs.
Current features:
- Perform one-shot prompts with `lmcli prompt <message>`
- Manage persistent conversations with the `new`, `reply`, `view`, `rm`,
`edit`, `retry`, `continue` sub-commands.
- Syntax highlighted output
- Tool calling, see the [Tools](#tools) section.
## Features
Maybe features:
- Chat-like interface (`lmcli chat`) for rapid back-and-forth conversations
- Support for additional models/APIs besides just OpenAI
- Multiple model backends (Ollama, OpenAI, Anthropic, Google)
- Customizable agents with tool calling
- Persistent conversation management
- Message branching (edit and re-prompt to your heart's desire)
- Interactive terminal interface for seamless chat experiences
- Utilizes `$EDITOR`, write and edit prompts from the comfort of your own editor :)
- `vi`-like bindings
- Syntax highlighting!
## Screenshots
[TODO: Add screenshots of the TUI in action, showing different views and features]
## Installation
To install `lmcli`, make sure you have Go installed on your system, then run:
go install git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli@latest
## Configuration
`lmcli` uses a YAML configuration file located at `~/.config/lmcli/config.yaml`. Here's a sample configuration:
model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620
maxTokens: 3072
temperature: 0.2
titleGenerationModel: claude-3-haiku-20240307
style: onedark
formatter: terminal16m
- name: coder
- dir_tree
- read_file
#- write_file
systemPrompt: |
You are an experienced software engineer...
# ...
- kind: ollama
- phi3:instruct
- llama3:8b
- kind: anthropic
apiKey: your-api-key-here
- claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620
- claude-3-opus-20240229
- claude-3-haiku-20240307
- kind: openai
apiKey: your-api-key-here
- gpt-4o
- gpt-4-turbo
- name: openrouter
kind: openai
apiKey: your-api-key-here
baseUrl: https://openrouter.ai/api/
- qwen/qwen-2-72b-instruct
# ...
Customize this file to add your own providers, agents, and models.
### Syntax highlighting
Syntax highlighting is performed by [Chroma](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma).
Refer to [`Chroma/styles`](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/styles) for available styles (TODO: add support for custom Chroma styles).
Available formatters:
- `terminal` - 8 colors
- `terminal16` - 16 colors
- `terminal256` - 256 colors
- `terminal16m` - true color (default)
## Agents
Agents in `lmcli` combine a system prompt with a set of available tools. Agents are defined in `config.yaml` and are called upon with the `-a`/`--agent` flag.
Agent functionality is expected to be expanded on, bringing them to close parity with something like OpenAI's "Assistants" feature.
## Tools
Tools must be explicitly enabled by adding the tool's name to the
`openai.enabledTools` array in `config.yaml`.
Note: all filesystem related tools operate relative to the current directory
only. They do not accept absolute paths, and efforts are made to ensure they
cannot escape above the working directory). **Close attention must be paid to
where you are running `lmcli`, as the model could at any time decide to use one
of these tools to discover and read potentially sensitive information from your
Tools are used by agents to acquire information from and interact with external systems. The following built-in tools are available:
It's best to only have tools enabled in `config.yaml` when you intend to be
using them, since their descriptions (see `pkg/cli/functions.go`) count towards
context usage.
- `dir_tree`: Display a directory structure
- `read_file`: Read the contents of a file
- `write_file`: Write content to a file
- `file_insert_lines`: Insert lines at a specific position in a file
- `file_replace_lines`: Replace a range of lines in a file
Available tools:
Obviously, some of these tools carry significant risk. Use wisely :)
- `read_dir` - Read the contents of a directory.
- `read_file` - Read the contents of a file.
- `write_file` - Write contents to a file.
- `file_insert_lines` - Insert lines at a position within a file. Tricky for
the model to use, but can potentially save tokens.
- `file_replace_lines` - Remove or replace a range of lines within a file. Even
trickier for the model to use.
## Install
$ go install git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli@latest
More tool features are planned, including the ability to define arbitrary tools which call out to external scripts, tools to spawn sub-agents, perform web searches, etc.
## Usage
Invoke `lmcli` at least once:
$ lmcli help
lmcli - Large Language Model CLI
lmcli <command> [flags]
lmcli [command]
Available Commands:
chat Open the chat interface
clone Clone conversations
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
continue Continue a conversation from the last message
edit Edit the last user reply in a conversation
help Help about any command
list List conversations
new Start a new conversation
prompt Do a one-shot prompt
rename Rename a conversation
reply Reply to a conversation
retry Retry the last user reply in a conversation
rm Remove conversations
view View messages in a conversation
-h, --help help for lmcli
Use "lmcli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Edit `~/.config/lmcli/config.yaml` and set `openai.apiKey` to your API key.
### Examples
Refer back to the output of `lmcli help` for usage.
Start a new chat with the `coder` agent:
$ lmcli chat --agent coder
Start a new conversation, imperative style (no tui):
$ lmcli new "Help me plan meals for the next week"
Send a one-shot prompt (no persistence):
$ lmcli prompt "What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?"
## Contributing
Contributions to `lmcli` are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests on the project repository.
For a full list of planned features and improvements, check out the [TODO.md](TODO.md) file.
## License
To be determined
## Acknowledgements
`lmcli` is a small hobby project. Special thanks to the Go community and the creators of the libraries used in this project.