
249 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-06-02 16:40:46 -06:00
package chat
import (
models "git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli/pkg/lmcli/model"
tuiutil "git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli/pkg/tui/util"
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
func (m *Model) HandleResize(width, height int) {
m.Width, m.Height = width, height
m.content.Width = width
m.input.SetWidth(width - m.input.FocusedStyle.Base.GetHorizontalFrameSize())
if len(m.messages) > 0 {
func (m *Model) waitForResponse() tea.Cmd {
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return func() tea.Msg {
return msgResponse(<-m.replyChan)
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func (m *Model) waitForResponseChunk() tea.Cmd {
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return func() tea.Msg {
return msgResponseChunk(<-m.replyChunkChan)
func (m Model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (Model, tea.Cmd) {
var cmds []tea.Cmd
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
m.HandleResize(msg.Width, msg.Height)
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case shared.MsgViewEnter:
// wake up spinners and cursors
cmds = append(cmds, cursor.Blink, m.spinner.Tick)
if m.State.Values.ConvShortname != "" {
// (re)load conversation contents
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cmds = append(cmds, m.loadConversation(m.State.Values.ConvShortname))
if m.conversation.ShortName.String != m.State.Values.ConvShortname {
// clear existing messages if we're loading a new conversation
m.messages = []models.Message{}
m.selectedMessage = 0
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case tuiutil.MsgTempfileEditorClosed:
contents := string(msg)
switch m.editorTarget {
case input:
case selectedMessage:
toEdit := m.messages[m.selectedMessage]
if toEdit.Content != contents {
toEdit.Content = contents
m.setMessage(m.selectedMessage, toEdit)
if m.persistence && toEdit.ID > 0 {
// create clone of message with its new contents
cmds = append(cmds, m.cloneMessage(toEdit, true))
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case msgConversationLoaded:
m.conversation = msg.conversation
m.rootMessages = msg.rootMessages
m.selectedMessage = -1
if len(m.rootMessages) > 0 {
cmds = append(cmds, m.loadConversationMessages())
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case msgMessagesLoaded:
m.messages = msg
if m.selectedMessage == -1 {
m.selectedMessage = len(msg) - 1
} else {
m.selectedMessage = min(m.selectedMessage, len(m.messages))
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case msgResponseChunk:
cmds = append(cmds, m.waitForResponseChunk()) // wait for the next chunk
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chunk := string(msg)
if chunk == "" {
last := len(m.messages) - 1
if last >= 0 && m.messages[last].Role.IsAssistant() {
// append chunk to existing message
m.setMessageContents(last, m.messages[last].Content+chunk)
} else {
// use chunk in new message
Role: models.MessageRoleAssistant,
Content: chunk,
// show cursor and reset blink interval (simulate typing)
m.replyCursor.Blink = false
cmds = append(cmds, m.replyCursor.BlinkCmd())
m.elapsed = time.Now().Sub(m.startTime)
case msgResponse:
cmds = append(cmds, m.waitForResponse()) // wait for the next response
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reply := models.Message(msg)
reply.Content = strings.TrimSpace(reply.Content)
last := len(m.messages) - 1
if last < 0 {
panic("Unexpected empty messages handling msgAssistantReply")
if reply.Role.IsAssistant() && m.messages[last].Role.IsAssistant() {
// this was a continuation, so replace the previous message with the completed reply
m.setMessage(last, reply)
} else {
if m.persistence {
cmds = append(cmds, m.persistConversation())
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if m.conversation.Title == "" {
cmds = append(cmds, m.generateConversationTitle())
case msgResponseEnd:
m.state = idle
2024-06-02 16:40:46 -06:00
last := len(m.messages) - 1
if last < 0 {
panic("Unexpected empty messages handling msgResponseEnd")
m.setMessageContents(last, strings.TrimSpace(m.messages[last].Content))
case msgResponseError:
m.state = idle
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m.State.Err = error(msg)
case msgConversationTitleGenerated:
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title := string(msg)
m.conversation.Title = title
if m.persistence {
cmds = append(cmds, m.updateConversationTitle(m.conversation))
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case cursor.BlinkMsg:
if m.state == pendingResponse {
// ensure we show the updated "wait for response" cursor blink state
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case msgConversationPersisted:
m.conversation = msg.conversation
m.messages = msg.messages
case msgMessageCloned:
if msg.Parent == nil {
m.conversation = &msg.Conversation
m.rootMessages = append(m.rootMessages, *msg)
cmds = append(cmds, m.loadConversationMessages())
case msgSelectedRootCycled, msgSelectedReplyCycled, msgMessageUpdated:
cmds = append(cmds, m.loadConversationMessages())
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var cmd tea.Cmd
m.spinner, cmd = m.spinner.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
m.replyCursor, cmd = m.replyCursor.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
prevInputLineCnt := m.input.LineCount()
inputCaptured := false
m.input, cmd = m.input.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
inputCaptured = true
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
if !inputCaptured {
m.content, cmd = m.content.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
// update views once window dimensions are known
if m.Width > 0 {
m.Header = m.headerView()
m.Footer = m.footerView()
m.Error = tuiutil.ErrorBanner(m.Err, m.Width)
fixedHeight := tuiutil.Height(m.Header) + tuiutil.Height(m.Error) + tuiutil.Height(m.Footer)
// calculate clamped input height to accomodate input text
// minimum 4 lines, maximum half of content area
newHeight := max(4, min((m.Height-fixedHeight-1)/2, m.input.LineCount()))
m.Input = m.input.View()
// remaining height towards content
m.content.Height = m.Height - fixedHeight - tuiutil.Height(m.Input)
m.Content = m.content.View()
// this is a pretty nasty hack to ensure the input area viewport doesn't
// scroll below its content, which can happen when the input viewport
// height has grown, or previously entered lines have been deleted
if prevInputLineCnt != m.input.LineCount() {
// dist is the distance we'd need to scroll up from the current cursor
// position to position the last input line at the bottom of the
// viewport. if negative, we're already scrolled above the bottom
dist := m.input.Line() - (m.input.LineCount() - m.input.Height())
if dist > 0 {
for i := 0; i < dist; i++ {
// move cursor up until content reaches the bottom of the viewport
m.input, _ = m.input.Update(nil)
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for i := 0; i < dist; i++ {
// move cursor back down to its previous position
m.input, _ = m.input.Update(nil)
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return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)