
1092 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package chat
import (
cmdutil "git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli/pkg/cmd/util"
models "git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli/pkg/lmcli/model"
tuiutil "git.mlow.ca/mlow/lmcli/pkg/tui/util"
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
2024-05-22 10:57:38 -06:00
type focusState int
const (
focusInput focusState = iota
type editorTarget int
const (
input editorTarget = iota
// custom tea.Msg types
type (
// sent on each chunk received from LLM
msgResponseChunk string
// sent when response is finished being received
msgResponseEnd string
// a special case of common.MsgError that stops the response waiting animation
msgResponseError error
// sent on each completed reply
msgAssistantReply models.Message
// sent when a conversation is (re)loaded
msgConversationLoaded *models.Conversation
// sent when a new conversation title is set
msgConversationTitleChanged string
// sent when a conversation's messages are laoded
msgMessagesLoaded []models.Message
type Model struct {
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
// app state
conversation *models.Conversation
rootMessages []models.Message
messages []models.Message
selectedMessage int
waitingForReply bool
editorTarget editorTarget
stopSignal chan struct{}
replyChan chan models.Message
replyChunkChan chan string
persistence bool // whether we will save new messages in the conversation
// ui state
focus focusState
wrap bool // whether message content is wrapped to viewport width
status string // a general status message
showToolResults bool // whether tool calls and results are shown
messageCache []string // cache of syntax highlighted and wrapped message content
messageOffsets []int
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
tokenCount uint
startTime time.Time
elapsed time.Duration
// ui elements
content viewport.Model
input textarea.Model
spinner spinner.Model
replyCursor cursor.Model // cursor to indicate incoming response
2024-05-30 01:18:31 -06:00
func Chat(state shared.State) Model {
m := Model{
2024-05-30 01:18:31 -06:00
State: state,
conversation: &models.Conversation{},
persistence: true,
stopSignal: make(chan struct{}),
replyChan: make(chan models.Message),
replyChunkChan: make(chan string),
wrap: true,
selectedMessage: -1,
content: viewport.New(0, 0),
input: textarea.New(),
spinner: spinner.New(spinner.WithSpinner(
Frames: []string{
". ",
".. ",
".. ",
". ",
" ",
FPS: time.Second / 3,
replyCursor: cursor.New(),
m.replyCursor.SetChar(" ")
2024-05-30 01:18:31 -06:00
system := state.Ctx.GetSystemPrompt()
if system != "" {
m.messages = []models.Message{{
Role: models.MessageRoleSystem,
Content: system,
m.input.MaxHeight = 0
m.input.CharLimit = 0
m.input.ShowLineNumbers = false
m.input.Placeholder = "Enter a message"
m.input.FocusedStyle.CursorLine = lipgloss.NewStyle()
m.input.FocusedStyle.Base = inputFocusedStyle
m.input.BlurredStyle.Base = inputBlurredStyle
m.waitingForReply = false
m.status = "Press ctrl+s to send"
return m
// styles
var (
messageHeadingStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
userStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true).Foreground(lipgloss.Color("10"))
assistantStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true).Foreground(lipgloss.Color("12"))
messageStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
inputFocusedStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
Border(lipgloss.RoundedBorder(), true, true, true, false)
inputBlurredStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
Border(lipgloss.RoundedBorder(), true, true, true, false)
footerStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle()
func (m *Model) HandleInput(msg tea.KeyMsg) (bool, tea.Cmd) {
switch m.focus {
case focusInput:
consumed, cmd := m.HandleInputKey(msg)
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
if consumed {
return true, cmd
case focusMessages:
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
consumed, cmd := m.handleMessagesKey(msg)
if consumed {
return true, cmd
switch msg.String() {
case "esc":
if m.waitingForReply {
m.stopSignal <- struct{}{}
return true, nil
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, func() tea.Msg {
return shared.MsgViewChange(shared.StateConversations)
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
case "ctrl+c":
if m.waitingForReply {
m.stopSignal <- struct{}{}
return true, nil
case "ctrl+p":
m.persistence = !m.persistence
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, nil
case "ctrl+t":
m.showToolResults = !m.showToolResults
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, nil
case "ctrl+w":
m.wrap = !m.wrap
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, nil
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return false, nil
func (m Model) Init() tea.Cmd {
return tea.Batch(
func (m *Model) HandleResize(width, height int) {
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
m.Width, m.Height = width, height
m.content.Width = width
m.input.SetWidth(width - m.input.FocusedStyle.Base.GetHorizontalFrameSize())
if len(m.messages) > 0 {
func (m Model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (Model, tea.Cmd) {
var cmds []tea.Cmd
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case shared.MsgViewEnter:
// wake up spinners and cursors
cmds = append(cmds, cursor.Blink, m.spinner.Tick)
if m.State.Values.ConvShortname != "" && m.conversation.ShortName.String != m.State.Values.ConvShortname {
cmds = append(cmds, m.loadConversation(m.State.Values.ConvShortname))
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
m.HandleResize(msg.Width, msg.Height)
case tuiutil.MsgTempfileEditorClosed:
contents := string(msg)
switch m.editorTarget {
case input:
case selectedMessage:
m.setMessageContents(m.selectedMessage, contents)
if m.persistence && m.messages[m.selectedMessage].ID > 0 {
// update persisted message
err := m.State.Ctx.Store.UpdateMessage(&m.messages[m.selectedMessage])
if err != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, shared.WrapError(fmt.Errorf("Could not save edited message: %v", err)))
case msgConversationLoaded:
m.conversation = (*models.Conversation)(msg)
m.rootMessages, _ = m.State.Ctx.Store.RootMessages(m.conversation.ID)
cmds = append(cmds, m.loadMessages(m.conversation))
case msgMessagesLoaded:
2024-04-02 00:53:29 -06:00
m.selectedMessage = len(msg) - 1
m.messages = msg
case msgResponseChunk:
cmds = append(cmds, m.waitForChunk()) // wait for the next chunk
chunk := string(msg)
if chunk == "" {
last := len(m.messages) - 1
if last >= 0 && m.messages[last].Role.IsAssistant() {
// append chunk to existing message
m.setMessageContents(last, m.messages[last].Content+chunk)
} else {
// use chunk in new message
Role: models.MessageRoleAssistant,
Content: chunk,
2024-05-13 21:41:19 -06:00
// show cursor and reset blink interval (simulate typing)
m.replyCursor.Blink = false
cmds = append(cmds, m.replyCursor.BlinkCmd())
2024-05-13 21:41:19 -06:00
m.elapsed = time.Now().Sub(m.startTime)
case msgAssistantReply:
cmds = append(cmds, m.waitForReply()) // wait for the next reply
reply := models.Message(msg)
reply.Content = strings.TrimSpace(reply.Content)
last := len(m.messages) - 1
if last < 0 {
panic("Unexpected empty messages handling msgAssistantReply")
if reply.Role.IsAssistant() && m.messages[last].Role.IsAssistant() {
// this was a continuation, so replace the previous message with the completed reply
m.setMessage(last, reply)
} else {
if m.persistence {
err := m.persistConversation()
if err != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, shared.WrapError(err))
if m.conversation.Title == "" {
cmds = append(cmds, m.generateConversationTitle())
case msgResponseEnd:
m.waitingForReply = false
last := len(m.messages) - 1
if last < 0 {
panic("Unexpected empty messages handling msgResponseEnd")
m.setMessageContents(last, strings.TrimSpace(m.messages[last].Content))
m.status = "Press ctrl+s to send"
case msgResponseError:
m.waitingForReply = false
m.status = "Press ctrl+s to send"
m.State.Err = error(msg)
case msgConversationTitleChanged:
title := string(msg)
m.conversation.Title = title
if m.persistence {
err := m.State.Ctx.Store.UpdateConversation(m.conversation)
if err != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, shared.WrapError(err))
case cursor.BlinkMsg:
if m.waitingForReply {
// ensure we show updated "wait for response" cursor blink state
var cmd tea.Cmd
m.spinner, cmd = m.spinner.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
m.replyCursor, cmd = m.replyCursor.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
prevInputLineCnt := m.input.LineCount()
inputCaptured := false
m.input, cmd = m.input.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
inputCaptured = true
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
if !inputCaptured {
m.content, cmd = m.content.Update(msg)
if cmd != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
// update views once window dimensions are known
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
if m.Width > 0 {
m.Header = m.headerView()
m.Footer = m.footerView()
m.Error = tuiutil.ErrorBanner(m.Err, m.Width)
fixedHeight := tuiutil.Height(m.Header) + tuiutil.Height(m.Error) + tuiutil.Height(m.Footer)
// calculate clamped input height to accomodate input text
// minimum 4 lines, maximum half of content area
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
newHeight := max(4, min((m.Height-fixedHeight-1)/2, m.input.LineCount()))
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
m.Input = m.input.View()
// remaining height towards content
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
m.content.Height = m.Height - fixedHeight - tuiutil.Height(m.Input)
m.Content = m.content.View()
// this is a pretty nasty hack to ensure the input area viewport doesn't
// scroll below its content, which can happen when the input viewport
// height has grown, or previously entered lines have been deleted
if prevInputLineCnt != m.input.LineCount() {
// dist is the distance we'd need to scroll up from the current cursor
// position to position the last input line at the bottom of the
// viewport. if negative, we're already scrolled above the bottom
dist := m.input.Line() - (m.input.LineCount() - m.input.Height())
if dist > 0 {
for i := 0; i < dist; i++ {
// move cursor up until content reaches the bottom of the viewport
m.input, cmd = m.input.Update(nil)
for i := 0; i < dist; i++ {
// move cursor back down to its previous position
m.input, cmd = m.input.Update(nil)
return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
func (m *Model) handleMessagesKey(msg tea.KeyMsg) (bool, tea.Cmd) {
switch msg.String() {
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
case "tab", "enter":
m.focus = focusInput
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, nil
case "e":
message := m.messages[m.selectedMessage]
cmd := tuiutil.OpenTempfileEditor("message.*.md", message.Content, "# Edit the message below\n")
m.editorTarget = selectedMessage
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, cmd
case "ctrl+k":
if m.selectedMessage > 0 && len(m.messages) == len(m.messageOffsets) {
offset := m.messageOffsets[m.selectedMessage]
tuiutil.ScrollIntoView(&m.content, offset, m.content.Height/2)
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, nil
case "ctrl+j":
if m.selectedMessage < len(m.messages)-1 && len(m.messages) == len(m.messageOffsets) {
offset := m.messageOffsets[m.selectedMessage]
tuiutil.ScrollIntoView(&m.content, offset, m.content.Height/2)
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, nil
case "ctrl+h", "ctrl+l":
dir := CyclePrev
if msg.String() == "ctrl+l" {
dir = CycleNext
var err error
var selected *models.Message
if m.selectedMessage == 0 {
selected, err = m.cycleSelectedRoot(m.conversation, dir)
if err != nil {
return true, shared.WrapError(fmt.Errorf("Could not cycle conversation root: %v", err))
} else if m.selectedMessage > 0 {
selected, err = m.cycleSelectedReply(&m.messages[m.selectedMessage-1], dir)
if err != nil {
return true, shared.WrapError(fmt.Errorf("Could not cycle reply: %v", err))
if selected == nil {
return false, nil
// Retrieve updated view at this point
newPath, err := m.State.Ctx.Store.PathToLeaf(selected)
if err != nil {
m.State.Err = fmt.Errorf("Could not fetch messages: %v", err)
m.messages = append(m.messages[:m.selectedMessage], newPath...)
return true, nil
case "ctrl+r":
// resubmit the conversation with all messages up until and including the selected message
if m.waitingForReply || len(m.messages) == 0 {
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, nil
m.messages = m.messages[:m.selectedMessage+1]
m.messageCache = m.messageCache[:m.selectedMessage+1]
cmd := m.promptLLM()
return true, cmd
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return false, nil
type CycleDirection int
const (
CycleNext CycleDirection = 1
CyclePrev CycleDirection = -1
func cycleMessages(m *models.Message, msgs []models.Message, dir CycleDirection) (*models.Message, error) {
currentIndex := -1
for i, reply := range msgs {
if reply.ID == m.ID {
currentIndex = i
if currentIndex < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("message not found")
var next int
if dir == CyclePrev {
// Wrap around to the last reply if at the beginning
next = (currentIndex - 1 + len(msgs)) % len(msgs)
} else {
// Wrap around to the first reply if at the end
next = (currentIndex + 1) % len(msgs)
return &msgs[next], nil
func (m *Model) cycleSelectedRoot(conv *models.Conversation, dir CycleDirection) (*models.Message, error) {
if len(m.rootMessages) < 2 {
return nil, nil
nextRoot, err := cycleMessages(conv.SelectedRoot, m.rootMessages, dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conv.SelectedRoot = nextRoot
err = m.State.Ctx.Store.UpdateConversation(conv)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not update conversation: %v", err)
return nextRoot, nil
func (m *Model) cycleSelectedReply(message *models.Message, dir CycleDirection) (*models.Message, error) {
if len(message.Replies) < 2 {
return nil, nil
nextReply, err := cycleMessages(message.SelectedReply, message.Replies, dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.SelectedReply = nextReply
err = m.State.Ctx.Store.UpdateMessage(message)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not update message: %v", err)
return nextReply, nil
func (m *Model) HandleInputKey(msg tea.KeyMsg) (bool, tea.Cmd) {
switch msg.String() {
case "esc":
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
m.focus = focusMessages
if len(m.messages) > 0 {
if m.selectedMessage < 0 || m.selectedMessage >= len(m.messages) {
m.selectedMessage = len(m.messages) - 1
offset := m.messageOffsets[m.selectedMessage]
tuiutil.ScrollIntoView(&m.content, offset, m.content.Height/2)
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, nil
case "ctrl+s":
if m.waitingForReply {
return false, nil
input := strings.TrimSpace(m.input.Value())
if input == "" {
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, nil
if len(m.messages) > 0 && m.messages[len(m.messages)-1].Role == models.MessageRoleUser {
return true, shared.WrapError(fmt.Errorf("Can't reply to a user message"))
Role: models.MessageRoleUser,
Content: input,
if m.persistence {
err := m.persistConversation()
if err != nil {
return true, shared.WrapError(err)
cmd := m.promptLLM()
return true, cmd
case "ctrl+e":
cmd := tuiutil.OpenTempfileEditor("message.*.md", m.input.Value(), "# Edit your input below\n")
m.editorTarget = input
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return true, cmd
2024-03-31 19:06:13 -06:00
return false, nil
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
func (m Model) View() string {
if m.Width == 0 {
return ""
sections := make([]string, 0, 6)
if m.Header != "" {
sections = append(sections, m.Header)
sections = append(sections, m.Content)
if m.Error != "" {
sections = append(sections, m.Error)
sections = append(sections, m.Input)
if m.Footer != "" {
sections = append(sections, m.Footer)
return lipgloss.JoinVertical(lipgloss.Left, sections...)
func (m *Model) renderMessageHeading(i int, message *models.Message) string {
icon := ""
friendly := message.Role.FriendlyRole()
style := lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true).Bold(true)
switch message.Role {
case models.MessageRoleSystem:
icon = "⚙️"
case models.MessageRoleUser:
style = userStyle
case models.MessageRoleAssistant:
style = assistantStyle
case models.MessageRoleToolCall:
style = assistantStyle
friendly = models.MessageRoleAssistant.FriendlyRole()
case models.MessageRoleToolResult:
icon = "🔧"
user := style.Render(icon + friendly)
var prefix string
var suffix string
faint := lipgloss.NewStyle().Faint(true)
if i == 0 && len(m.rootMessages) > 0 {
selectedRootIndex := 0
for j, reply := range m.rootMessages {
if reply.ID == *m.conversation.SelectedRootID {
selectedRootIndex = j
suffix += faint.Render(fmt.Sprintf(" <%d/%d>", selectedRootIndex+1, len(m.rootMessages)))
if i > 0 && len(m.messages[i-1].Replies) > 1 {
// Find the selected reply index
selectedReplyIndex := 0
for j, reply := range m.messages[i-1].Replies {
if reply.ID == *m.messages[i-1].SelectedReplyID {
selectedReplyIndex = j
suffix += faint.Render(fmt.Sprintf(" <%d/%d>", selectedReplyIndex+1, len(m.messages[i-1].Replies)))
if m.focus == focusMessages {
if i == m.selectedMessage {
prefix = "> "
if message.ID == 0 {
suffix += faint.Render(" (not saved)")
return messageHeadingStyle.Render(prefix + user + suffix)
func (m *Model) renderMessage(i int) string {
msg := &m.messages[i]
// Write message contents
sb := &strings.Builder{}
sb.Grow(len(msg.Content) * 2)
if msg.Content != "" {
err := m.State.Ctx.Chroma.Highlight(sb, msg.Content)
if err != nil {
// Show the assistant's cursor
if m.waitingForReply && i == len(m.messages)-1 {
// Write tool call info
var toolString string
switch msg.Role {
case models.MessageRoleToolCall:
bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(msg.ToolCalls)
if err != nil {
toolString = "Could not serialize ToolCalls"
} else {
toolString = "tool_calls:\n" + string(bytes)
case models.MessageRoleToolResult:
if !m.showToolResults {
type renderedResult struct {
ToolName string `yaml:"tool"`
Result any
var toolResults []renderedResult
for _, result := range msg.ToolResults {
var jsonResult interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(result.Result), &jsonResult)
if err != nil {
// If parsing as JSON fails, treat Result as a plain string
toolResults = append(toolResults, renderedResult{
ToolName: result.ToolName,
Result: result.Result,
} else {
// If parsing as JSON succeeds, marshal the parsed JSON into YAML
toolResults = append(toolResults, renderedResult{
ToolName: result.ToolName,
Result: &jsonResult,
bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(toolResults)
if err != nil {
toolString = "Could not serialize ToolResults"
} else {
toolString = "tool_results:\n" + string(bytes)
if toolString != "" {
toolString = strings.TrimRight(toolString, "\n")
if msg.Content != "" {
_ = m.State.Ctx.Chroma.HighlightLang(sb, toolString, "yaml")
content := strings.TrimRight(sb.String(), "\n")
if m.wrap {
2024-05-22 10:57:38 -06:00
wrapWidth := m.content.Width - messageStyle.GetHorizontalPadding()
// first we word-wrap text to slightly less than desired width (since
// wordwrap seems to have an off-by-1 issue), then hard wrap at
// desired with
content = wrap.String(wordwrap.String(content, wrapWidth-2), wrapWidth)
return messageStyle.Width(0).Render(content)
// render the conversation into a string
func (m *Model) conversationMessagesView() string {
sb := strings.Builder{}
m.messageOffsets = make([]int, len(m.messages))
lineCnt := 1
for i, message := range m.messages {
m.messageOffsets[i] = lineCnt
switch message.Role {
case models.MessageRoleToolCall:
if !m.showToolResults && message.Content == "" {
case models.MessageRoleToolResult:
if !m.showToolResults {
heading := m.renderMessageHeading(i, &message)
lineCnt += lipgloss.Height(heading)
var rendered string
if m.waitingForReply && i == len(m.messages)-1 {
// do a direct render of final (assistant) message to handle the
// assistant cursor blink
rendered = m.renderMessage(i)
} else {
rendered = m.messageCache[i]
lineCnt += lipgloss.Height(rendered)
return sb.String()
func (m *Model) headerView() string {
titleStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().Bold(true)
var title string
if m.conversation != nil && m.conversation.Title != "" {
title = m.conversation.Title
} else {
title = "Untitled"
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
title = tuiutil.TruncateToCellWidth(title, m.Width-styles.Header.GetHorizontalPadding(), "...")
header := titleStyle.Render(title)
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
return styles.Header.Width(m.Width).Render(header)
func (m *Model) footerView() string {
segmentStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().PaddingLeft(1).PaddingRight(1).Faint(true)
segmentSeparator := "|"
savingStyle := segmentStyle.Copy().Bold(true)
saving := ""
if m.persistence {
saving = savingStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("2")).Render("✅💾")
} else {
saving = savingStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("1")).Render("❌💾")
status := m.status
if m.waitingForReply {
status += m.spinner.View()
leftSegments := []string{
2024-05-13 21:41:19 -06:00
rightSegments := []string{}
if m.elapsed > 0 && m.tokenCount > 0 {
throughput := fmt.Sprintf("%.0f t/sec", float64(m.tokenCount)/m.elapsed.Seconds())
rightSegments = append(rightSegments, segmentStyle.Render(throughput))
model := fmt.Sprintf("Model: %s", *m.State.Ctx.Config.Defaults.Model)
2024-05-13 21:41:19 -06:00
rightSegments = append(rightSegments, segmentStyle.Render(model))
left := strings.Join(leftSegments, segmentSeparator)
right := strings.Join(rightSegments, segmentSeparator)
totalWidth := lipgloss.Width(left) + lipgloss.Width(right)
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
remaining := m.Width - totalWidth
var padding string
if remaining > 0 {
padding = strings.Repeat(" ", remaining)
footer := left + padding + right
if remaining < 0 {
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
footer = tuiutil.TruncateToCellWidth(footer, m.Width, "...")
2024-05-30 01:04:55 -06:00
return footerStyle.Width(m.Width).Render(footer)
func (m *Model) setMessage(i int, msg models.Message) {
if i >= len(m.messages) {
panic("i out of range")
m.messages[i] = msg
m.messageCache[i] = m.renderMessage(i)
func (m *Model) addMessage(msg models.Message) {
m.messages = append(m.messages, msg)
m.messageCache = append(m.messageCache, m.renderMessage(len(m.messages)-1))
func (m *Model) setMessageContents(i int, content string) {
if i >= len(m.messages) {
panic("i out of range")
m.messages[i].Content = content
m.messageCache[i] = m.renderMessage(i)
func (m *Model) rebuildMessageCache() {
m.messageCache = make([]string, len(m.messages))
for i := range m.messages {
m.messageCache[i] = m.renderMessage(i)
func (m *Model) updateContent() {
atBottom := m.content.AtBottom()
if atBottom {
// if we were at bottom before the update, scroll with the output
func (m *Model) loadConversation(shortname string) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
if shortname == "" {
return nil
c, err := m.State.Ctx.Store.ConversationByShortName(shortname)
if err != nil {
return shared.MsgError(fmt.Errorf("Could not lookup conversation: %v", err))
if c.ID == 0 {
return shared.MsgError(fmt.Errorf("Conversation not found: %s", shortname))
return msgConversationLoaded(c)
func (m *Model) loadMessages(c *models.Conversation) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
messages, err := m.State.Ctx.Store.PathToLeaf(c.SelectedRoot)
if err != nil {
return shared.MsgError(fmt.Errorf("Could not load conversation messages: %v\n", err))
return msgMessagesLoaded(messages)
func (m *Model) persistConversation() error {
if m.conversation.ID == 0 {
// Start a new conversation with all messages so far
c, messages, err := m.State.Ctx.Store.StartConversation(m.messages...)
if err != nil {
return err
m.conversation = c
m.messages = messages
return nil
// else, we'll handle updating an existing conversation's messages
for i := 0; i < len(m.messages); i++ {
if m.messages[i].ID > 0 {
// message has an ID, update its contents
// TODO: check for content/tool equality before updating?
err := m.State.Ctx.Store.UpdateMessage(&m.messages[i])
if err != nil {
return err
} else if i > 0 {
// messages is new, so add it as a reply to previous message
saved, err := m.State.Ctx.Store.Reply(&m.messages[i-1], m.messages[i])
if err != nil {
return err
// add this message as a reply to the previous
m.messages[i-1].Replies = append(m.messages[i-1].Replies, saved[0])
m.messages[i] = saved[0]
} else {
// message has no id and no previous messages to add it to
// this shouldn't happen?
return fmt.Errorf("Error: no messages to reply to")
return nil
func (m *Model) generateConversationTitle() tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
title, err := cmdutil.GenerateTitle(m.State.Ctx, m.messages)
if err != nil {
return shared.MsgError(err)
return msgConversationTitleChanged(title)
func (m *Model) waitForReply() tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
return msgAssistantReply(<-m.replyChan)
func (m *Model) waitForChunk() tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
return msgResponseChunk(<-m.replyChunkChan)
func (m *Model) promptLLM() tea.Cmd {
m.waitingForReply = true
m.replyCursor.Blink = false
m.status = "Press ctrl+c to cancel"
toPrompt := m.messages
// Add response placeholder message
if m.messages[len(m.messages)-1].Role != models.MessageRoleAssistant {
Role: models.MessageRoleAssistant,
Content: "",
2024-05-13 21:41:19 -06:00
m.tokenCount = 0
m.startTime = time.Now()
m.elapsed = 0
return func() tea.Msg {
model, provider, err := m.State.Ctx.GetModelProvider(*m.State.Ctx.Config.Defaults.Model)
if err != nil {
return shared.MsgError(err)
requestParams := models.RequestParameters{
Model: model,
MaxTokens: *m.State.Ctx.Config.Defaults.MaxTokens,
Temperature: *m.State.Ctx.Config.Defaults.Temperature,
ToolBag: m.State.Ctx.EnabledTools,
replyHandler := func(msg models.Message) {
m.replyChan <- msg
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
canceled := false
go func() {
select {
case <-m.stopSignal:
canceled = true
resp, err := provider.CreateChatCompletionStream(
ctx, requestParams, toPrompt, replyHandler, m.replyChunkChan,
if err != nil && !canceled {
return msgResponseError(err)
return msgResponseEnd(resp)